miercuri, 21 decembrie 2011

Marilena MURARIU răspunde criticilor săi


Admonestată de confraţi şi refuzată de galerii, după împietatea de a o fi revivifiat pe ELENA, Marilena Murariu doreşte să-şi ispăşească condamnabila rătăcire – dar şi pentru a încheia anul în cuviinţă şi smerenie – printr-un pios act de omagiere.
Prin intermediul expoziţiei virtuale “Portrete în revoluţie”, artista îşi propune să aducă ofrandă Marii Revoluţii din Decembrie, fal(n)icelor sale realizări.
Inspirată fiind de titlurile luptătorilor – (supra)vieţuitori în revoluţie, Marilena nu a găsit o cale mai potrivită pentru a-şi atinge scopul decât prin realizarea a şase impozante portrete virtuale.
Marilena Murariu vă invită aşadar să-i identificaţi pe:
"Osânzit în revoluţie"
"Certificat în revoluţie"
"Revolut în revoluţie"
"Remorcat în revoluţie"
"Încuscrit în revoluţie"
"Ilicit în revoluţie",
cărora li se adaugă, dintr-o firească nevoie de legitimare,
"Oculta eroilor".

Virtual curator,

Marilena Murariu 
vă invită să vizionaţi expoziţia 
dedicată Marii Revoluţii din Decembrie 
pe următoarele adrese:

joi, 1 decembrie 2011


                                                                             PRESS CARTOON EUROPE (PCE)
  1. Participation in the PCE is free of charge.
  2. The cartoons which you will submit must all have appeared in the course of 2011 in a newspaper, magazine or periodical which is available to the general public, and published in one of the European countries.
  3. Each cartoon participating in the PCE must be accompanied by the name and date of the publication in which it originally appeared.
  4. Each cartoon participating in the PCE must be accompanied by the author's personal details: family name, first name, full postal address, and telephone numbers, email address, website (if any).
  5. Your cartoons, up to a maximum of 3, must reach us by Saturday 31th December 2011 at the latest.
  6. Only those cartoons sent electronically (jpg format: minimum 300 dpi) to the following address will be considered as valid entries: evi@presscartoon.com
Fill in the enclosed registration form.
  1. The selection committee of PCE will nominate 50 cartoons chosen from all those submitted to go forward for the PCE Grand Prix. The authors of these cartoons will be notified.
  2. PCE will be authorized to exhibit all nominated cartoons at the International Cartoon Festival at Knokke-Heist on the Belgian coast during the summer of 2012, and also to publish them in the annual of best European press drawings of 2011.
  3. PCE will be able to make free use of all the nominated cartoons for any publications or communications in connection with the prize, including press releases, posters, announcements of events organized by PCE such as exhibitions, symposia, etc.
  4. The jury, composed of journalists from several European countries, will meet on Thursday 23rd February 2012 in Brussels, and will select the winning entry to be awarded the PCE Grand Prix 2012, as well as a second and a third prize. The names of the winners will be announced the same day.
  5. The author of the Grand Prix will receive a cheque for 8.000 € as well as a bronze trophy created by the Belgian artist Ever Meulen. The second and the third prize receive 1.000 € each.
  6. The prizes will be awarded during the opening ceremony of the International Cartoon Festival at Knokke-Heist in June 2012.

Wishing you great success,

Karel Anthierens,
Founder/Chairman of the PCE

More information: